Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, you would:
Understand your own role, your responsibility and the boundaries that exist, in relation to teaching or training.
Understand appropriate teaching and learning approaches within your specialist area.
Demonstrate the skills required to plan, deliver, observe and evaluate a micro-teach session on a subject of your choice.
Explain how to deliver inclusive sessions that motivate learners
Use a range of different assessment methods appropriately for the groups you are teaching.
Understand and analyse the need for accurate record keeping and procedures including internal and external verification
Course Tutor
David Wilson
Course Curriculum
For a full view of the course content click on the Unit and Module header.
Welcome to the Course!
Unit 1: Module 1
Unit 1, Module 2
Unit 1, Module 3
Unit 1, Module 4
Unit 1, Module 5
Unit 1, Module 6
End of Unit 1 Assessment
Unit 2 Module 1
Unit 2 Module 2
Unit 2: Module 3
Unit 2: Module 4
Unit 2: Module 5
Unit 2: Module 6
Unit 2: Module 7
Unit 2: Module 8
Unit 2: Module 9
End of Unit 2 Assessment
Unit 3 Module 1
Unit 3 Module 2
Unit 3 Module 3
Unit 3 Module 4
Unit 3 Module 5
End of Unit 3 Assessment
MicroTeach Unit
Level 3 Award in Education and Training - Pre Course Survey How to Structure your Studies. -
An Introduction to the Award in Education and Training Student Notes End of Module 1.1 Quiz -
Teaching Roles, Responsibilities, Relationships and Boundaries Student Notes The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle (1) The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle (2) The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle (3) The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle (4) The Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle (5) Resources End of Module 1.2 Quiz -
Legislation, Regulatory Requirements and Codes of Practice. Student Notes End of Module 1.3 Quiz -
Promoting Equality and Valuing Diversity Student Notes Resources Promoting Equality and Diversity End of Module 1.4 Quiz -
Promoting Appropriate Behaviour and Respect for Others Student Notes End of Module 1.5 Quiz -
Learner Needs and Points of Referral Student Notes Resources End of Module 1.6 Quiz -
End of Unit 1 Assignment -
Inclusive Teaching and Learning Study Notes Resources Word Processing Templates End of Module 2.1 Quiz -
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches Study Notes Resources End of Module 2.2 Quiz -
Providing Opportunities for English, Maths, ICT and Wider Skills Study Notes End of Module 2.3 Quiz -
Theories of Learning Study Notes Resources End of Module 2.4 Quiz -
Communication Skills Study Notes Resources End of Module 2.5 Quiz -
Induction, Icebreakers and Ground Rules Study Notes Resources End of Module 2.6 Quiz -
Creating a Scheme of Work Study Guide Resources End of Module 2.7 Quiz -
Creating a Session Plan Study Notes Resources End of Module 2.8 Quiz -
Self Assessment and CPD Study Notes Resources End of Module 2.9 Quiz. -
End of Unit 2 Assignment -
Assessment Types Study Notes Resources End of Module 3.1 Quiz -
Assessment Methods Study Notes End of Module 3.2 Quiz -
Making Assessment Decisions And Providing Feedback Study Notes Resources End of Module 3.3 Quiz -
Record Keeping Study Notes Resources End of Module 3.4 Quiz -
Involving Learners and Others in the Assessment Process Study Notes End of Module 3.5 Quiz -
End of Module 3 Assignment -
Delivering a MicroTeach Session Delivering an Effective Micro Teach Session MicroTeach Checklist Micro Teach Session Peer Observation Assignment 1 Peer Observation Assignment 2 Peer Observation Assignment 3
Cancellation Policy
What is the Further Education and Skills Sector?
It is the term used for people who are aged 14 and above taking a purposeful learning activity with the aim of improving or furthering their skills and knowledge.
Do I need to be qualified in the subject I want to teach?
It will depend upon what your subject is and whether your learners will be taking a qualification or just learning for pleasure. Some subjects do require you to be qualified whereas others require you to be knowledgeable and/or experienced. You can search online for the qualification specification of the subject you would like to teach. These will be available via a relevant awarding organisation's website and will state what qualifications and/or experience you must have.
What will I have to do to pass the qualifications?
You will need to evidence all the assessment criteria contained in the various units of the qualifications you are taking. This is usually by a combination of assignments, essays, teaching practice and written statements. You will be observed teaching your session to your own learners by submitting video footage. You will deliver a short session to your peers, known as a micro-teach session, as part of the Award.
What skills do I need as a teacher?
Besides having the skills and knowledge regarding the subject you will teach, you need to be passionate about your subject and be able to communicate this to others. This will help towards your enthusiasm to teach and your students’ motivation to learn. You also need to have patience, and have organisational and time management skills.
If I qualify to teach and gain my QTLS status, can I then change my mind and teach in a school, an academy or a free school?
Yes, teachers who hold QTLS status are now accepted to teach in schools. Currently, it is not a requirement to be qualified to teach in an academy or a free school, however, the schools can request this. QTLS is now accepted as being equivalent to QTS status. However, it's up to each school to decide what qualifications and experience their staff must have.
Where can I teach?
Teaching and training can take place anywhere that someone needs to learn something. It doesn’t just have to be in a school, college or a university. For example, you might like to give up your current career and teach full time in a sixth form college, teach part time in a prison, train people on the job where you are currently employed, work via an agency at different organisations or volunteer your services for free at a charity.